Online Vs. Traditional Banks: Which One Will Make Your Life Easier

online vs traditional bank - which is best

In today’s world, we have options. Lots of them. This is especially true when it comes to our banking needs. From online banking to traditional banking, there’s something for everyone’s financial needs. If you’re in the process of trying to find a new bank, you may be wondering which one will make your life and money management easier. Let’s take a look at the benefits and differences of these different types of banks: 

Apply for Loans on Your Phone

Whether you need a credit union home equity loan or you want to get a personal loan to do some home remodeling, applying for loans on your phone with an online bank can definitely make life easier. Instead of having to find a local office of a traditional bank, you can sit at home and do the whole process with your phone. It makes managing your money a lot easier when everything is right there on your phone.

You can also easily transfer money and make payments with an online bank, so if you’re all about that easy convenience, an online bank could be the right choice for you.

Get In-person Support at a Brick-and-Mortar

The thing about online banking is that you don’t get that personal attention that can come from visiting your local bank. If you have big life situations going on and could use some advice or help from your bank, being able to go and visit a human at your bank can provide peace of mind and get you that personal touch that makes navigating financial situations a bit easier for you.

Chatbot Support But Quick Help

On the flip side, if you just need quick input and support from your bank and don’t have a lot of time to lose, online banks typically have chatbot features that can make it a lot easier for you to find out what you need quickly. 

Chatbots aren’t the most personal or able to provide super intricate details on some things, but they can help point you in the right direction with certain financial details. For people who want things quick and who don’t want to yell “let me speak to a representative” several times on their phone, this could be the best option for you. 

In-person Understanding 

However, there’s nothing quite like being able to sit across from another human to get that in-person understanding that can only come from a human. They can help you navigate hard financial situations with the kind of empathy that can only be found in a human.

While yes, you do have to make an appointment in some cases or wait in line, there’s something about getting support from a professional at a financial institution that some people are looking for. Do you prefer quick access to answers, or do you need that human touch when trying to navigate financial circumstances?

Plenty of ATMs with Traditional Banks

Traditional banks typically have more readily available ATMs for their clients, spread across the nation. This isn’t easy to find with online banks or smaller types of credit union banks. For those who want easy access to their cash or who need safe deposit boxes, a traditional bank can make it easier for you to get your money when you need it.

Is cash important to you, your business, or lifestyle? If so, consider how a traditional bank makes it easier to access it. If not, maybe an online bank with some local ATMs could work for you, as well.

a man checking his bank statement on laptop

In Conclusion 

Bank in a way that feels right to you and your lifestyle needs. Whether that’s an online bank or a traditional bank, find the financial institution that makes money management and life easier for you.